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Thor Characters

Thor Odinson
  • Played by Chris Hemsworth

  • Appeared In-

    • Thor

    • The Avengers

    • Thor: The Dark World

Thor is the God of Thunder reigning from the foreign planet of Asgard. With his trusty hammer, Mjolnir, in his hand, he is one of the most powerful beings in the entire universe. He has declined the option to be the ruler of Asgard and will let his father, Odin, continue to rule. He protects the 9 realms, but always has an eye on Earth to protect his love interest Jane Foster. Thor has helped defeat villains such as his brother Loki twice and Malekith. He is also a member of the Avengers along with Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. He also has many other allies like Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Erik Selvig, Darcy Lewis, Lady Sif, Heimdall, Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral. He is currently dealing with the death of his mother, Frigga, and the apparent death of his brother Loki while staying focused and protecting the 9 realms.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

  • Played by Jeremy Renner

  • Appeared In-

    • Thor

    • The Avengers

Clint Barton is a trained fighter in basically every area. His weapon of choice is his bow equipped with his special arrows. He had worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. for quite a while, and with it falling, what he is doing now is a mystery. He is part of the Avengers along with Iron man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, and Black Widow. Alongside of the other Avengers, Barton helped take down Loki in New York. He considers Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and Erik Selvig as allies.


  • Played by Tom Hiddelston

  • Appeared In-

    • Thor

    • The Avengers

    • Thor: The Dark World

Loki is the adopted brother of Thor after Odin rescued him as a baby. Loki is both Asgardian and a Frost Giant. After living in the shadow of Thor, Loki was filled with rage and wanted nothing more than to see his brother fall. Loki is gifted with magic abilities and uses them to his benefit. He used them in the battle of New York many times, even using them to kill Coulson. He also faked his own death in Thor: The Dark World and is now using his magic to pose as Odin and rule Asgard.

Taneleer Tivan (The Collector)

  • Played by Benicio Del Toro

  • Appeared In

    • Thor 2 post credits

    • Guardians of the Galaxy

The Collector, as his name states, collects artifacts from across the galaxy. He does this so that no matter what happens to the universe, he would be able to help correct things. He had a giant warehouse that he stored everything in but it was destroyed by the Power Stone. He has the Aether, likely the Time Stone, in his posession as well.

Jane Foster

  • Played by Natalie Portman

  • Appeared In

    • Thor

    • Thor: The Dark World

Jane Foster was just a regular scientist studying some weird annomallies in the sky until one fateful day where she stumbled upon Thor. The pair of them quickly fell for one another, so much so that Thor has turned down the throne of Asgard to stay closer to Earth. She continues to study space with Darcy Lewis and Erik Selvig. She is also allies with Odin, Lady Sif, Heimdall, Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral.

Erik Selvig

  • Played by Stellan Skarsgård

  • Appeared In

    • Thor

    • The Avengers

    • Thor: The Dark World

Stellan Skarsgård was brought along by Jane Foster to discuss her research. He later joined S.H.I.E.L.D. to work on the Tesseract. He was put under a mind spell by Loki to help him bring Thanos's army to Earth. His allies include Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Hawkeye, Thor, and Black Widow. 

Lady Sif

  • Played by Jaimie Alexander

  • Appeared In

    • Thor

    • Thor: The Dark World

    • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Lady Sif is one of the best warriors Asgard has. She fights alongside the Warriors 3 which includes Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral. She has helped take down villains such as Loki and Lorelei. Her allies include Thor, Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral, Odin, Heimdall, Jane Foster, Phil Coulson, Skye, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, and Leo Fitz. 


  • Played by Anthony Hopkins

  • Appeared In

    • Thor

    • Thor: The Dark World

Odin is the king of Asgard. He has ruled Asgard for many years. He was married to Frigga. Together they had Thor and then adopted Loki as a baby. His other close allies include Heimdall, Lady Sif, Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral, and Jane Foster. His whereabouts are currently unknown as Loki is posing in his place on the throne of Asgard.


  • Played by Idris Elba

  • Appeared In

    • Thor

    • Thor: The Dark World

Heimdall is the gatekeeper of Asgard. He controls who gets in and out of Asgard. He has helped Thor on many occasions. He has the ability to see anything in the Nine Realms. His allies include Thor, Odin, Jane Foster, Lady Sif, Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral.


  • Played by Ray Stevenson

  • Appeared In

    • Thor

    • Thor: The Dark World

Volstagg is a member of the Warriors 3. He fights alongside Hogun, Fandral, Lady Sif, and Thor to protect Asgard. His weapon of choice is a double sided Axe.


  • Played by Tadanobu Asano

  • Appeared In

    • Thor

    • Thor: The Dark World

Hogun is a member of the Warriors 3. He fights alongside Volstagg, Fandral, Lady Sif, and Thor to protect Asgard. His weapon of choice is a mace.


  • Played by Josh Dallas

  • Appeared In

    • Thor

    • Thor: The Dark World

Fandral is a member of the Warriors 3. He fights alongside Volstagg, Hogun, Lady Sif, and Thor to protect Asgard. His weapon of choice is a sword.

Darcy Lewis

  • Played by Kat Dennings

  • Appeared In

    • Thor

    • Thor: The Dark World

Darcy is Jane Foster's assistant. She is a young scientist who now has her own assistant as well. She helped her track down Thor and helped Thor defeat Malekith. She continues to do research on the galaxy with Jane and Erik Selvig.


  • Played by Rene Russo

  • Appeared In

    • Thor

    • Thor: The Dark World

  • Deceased

Frigga was married to Odin and the queen of Asgard. She is the mother of Thor and helped teach Loki in the ways of magic. She was killed by Algrim the Strong while battling Malekith.

Malekith the Accursed

  • Played by Christopher Eccleston

  • Appeared In

    • Thor: The Dark World

  • Deceased

Malekith is the ruler of the Dark Elves. He tried to overtake Asgard when all the worlds aligned. He ultimately failed during an intense battle against Thor which ended with Malekith being crushed by his own ship.

Algrim the Strong

  • Played by Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje

  • Appeared In

    • Thor: The Dark World

  • Deceased

Algrim was the right hand man for Malekith who had the ability to transform into the Kurse. He is responsible for killing Frigga. He himself died in battle in Asgard.

Phil Coulson

  • Played by Clark Gregg

  • Appeared In-

    • Iron Man

    • Iron Man 2

    • Thor

    • The Avengers

    • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Seasons 1 & 2

Phil Coulson has been through it all as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. So far in fact that he was killed by Loki and then revived using secret project T.A.H.I.T.I. that he helped form. His death was a driving force in getting the Avengers to team up. He has helped take down villains such as the Clairvoyant, Deathlok, Ian Quinn, Grant Ward, and Franklin Hall. He has a relationship with almost every person in Marvel's universe. He is currently the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and recruiting new agents to help rebuild the organization.

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