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Guardians Characters

Peter Quill (Star-Lord)

  • Played by Chris Pratt

  • Appeared In-

    • Guardians of the Galaxy

Peter Quill was taken from Earth as a kid by Yondu. After spending many years as a criminal, he becomes the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Star-Lord, his self-given nickname, leads a team featuring Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Groot, and Rocket Raccoon. Star-Lord defeated Ronan the Accuser in a battle on Xandar. He is now taking the Guardians across the galaxy to do something "a little bad and a little good".


  • Played by Zoe Saldana

  • Appeared In-

    • Guardians of the Galaxy

Gamora is a trained assassin and daughter of Thanos. She was one of the most feared and ruthless assassins in the galaxy. She devised a plan to betray Ronan and Thanos by selling the orb to The Collector. When they discovered the Power Stone inside, she asked Star-Lord to back out of the deal and give it to the Nova Corps. She is now going around the galaxy with the rest of the Guardians.

Drax the Destroyer

  • Played by Dave Bautista

  • Appeared In-

    • Guardians of the Galaxy

Drax is from the planet Titan. After Thanos destroyed his home planet, Drax set out to get his revenge and wreak havoc on the rest of the galaxy. He has incredible strength that has helped him make quite a name for himself. He tries to kill Gamora in the Kyln prison until Star-Lord pursuades him otherwise. He joins the team for the sole purpose of fighting Ronan, who killed his family. His rage filled thoughts gets the team into some trouble and leaves the team separated and injured. He killed Korath the Pursuer on his way to battle Ronan. He now wants to defeat Thanos.


  • Voiced by Vin Diesel

  • Appeared In-

    • Guardians of the Galaxy

Groot is a giant tree. As strange as that may be, he has great strength and can regenerate his limbs. He has been Rocket Raccoon's transportation and friend recently, which has given him a bad reputation. He can grow on command which came in handy for the team in their escape of the Kyln prison. He sacrificed himself to protect the team when they were about to crash on Xandar. He is slowly growing back to full strength but is basically a baby groot right now.

Rocket Raccoon

  • Voiced by Bradley Cooper

  • Appeared In-

    • Guardians of the Galaxy

Rocket Raccoon is just the typical talking, gun shooting raccoon that can be found all over the galaxy. Not really. Rocket loves big guns as you can see in the picture and uses them to get what he wants. He tries to capture Star-Lord to receive a big bounty set on his head by Yondu. This gets him captured and sent to the Kyln prison. He devises an incredible plan to get the team out of the prison so they can go sell the orb. He was the leading gunman and pilot in the attack on Ronan's ship.

Ronan the Accuser

  • Played by Lee Pace

  • Appeared In

    • Guardians of the Galaxy

  • Killed by Star-Lord

Ronan the Accuser is a member of the alien race called the Kree. He has incredible strength and uses the Universal Weapon to rule over people. He is a pawn of Thanos and was lent Gamora and Nebula to retrieve the Power Stone. Ronan betrays Thanos and absorbs the Power Stone into his body and his hammer. He was defeated by Star-Lord using the Power Stone.


  • Played by Karen Gillan

  • Appeared In

    • Guardians of the Galaxy

Nebula is a trained assassin that works for Thanos and Ronan the Accuser.  She is the daughter of Thanos and sister of Gamora. She has been robotically enhanced to make her one of the deadliest assassins in the galaxy. Gamora almost defeated her, but when Gamora also tried to save her, she cut off her own hand and hijacked one of Yondu's ships to escape.


  • Played by Michael Rooker

  • Appeared In

    • Guardians of the Galaxy

Yondu is from an old Zatoan tribe where he was a skilled hunter and fighter. He kidnapped Star-Lord as a child and was supposed to deliver him to his mysterious "angel" father. He decided to make him part of the Ravagers and turn him into a great outlaw. That turns against him when Star-Lord doubles back on their agreement. He can control an arrow by whistling that proves to be quiet deadly.

Korath the Pursuer

  • Played by Djimon Hounsou

  • Appeared In

    • Guardians of the Galaxy

  • Killed by Drax the Destroyer

Korath is a member of the Kree race. He was working for Ronan and was pursuing the Power Stone when Star-Lord beat him to it. While trying to fend off the Guardians and protect Ronan, Drax ripped out a part of his head piece which caused his brain to be electrocuted. 

Taneleer Tivan (The Collector)

  • Played by Benicio Del Toro

  • Appeared In

    • Thor 2 post credits

    • Guardians of the Galaxy

The Collector, as his name states, collects artifacts from across the galaxy. He does this so that no matter what happens to the universe, he would be able to help correct things. He had a giant warehouse that he stored everything in but it was destroyed by the Power Stone. He has the Aether, likely the Time Stone, in his posession as well.

Nova Prime

  • Played by Glenn Close

  • Appeared In

    • Guardians of the Galaxy


Nove Prime is in command of the Nova Corps. They patrol the galaxy and protect it from harm. Prime leads the Nova Corps from the planet of Xandar. She now has the Power Stone in her possession.

Rhomann Dey

  • Played by John C. Reilly

  • Appeared In​

    • Guardians of the Galaxy


Rhomann Dey is one of the highest ranking Nova Corps officers. He has captured Peter Quill many times and was the one who Quill contacted in order to get the Nova Corps help in defeating Ronan. 


  • Voiced by Josh Brolin

  • Appeared In-

    • The Avengers Post Credit

    • Guardians of the Galaxy

Thanos is that big purple guy who appeared at the end of The Avengers. He is from Titan and after the Infinity Gauntlet. Using the Infinity Gauntlet, which uses the six Infinity Stones that control space, power, mind, soul, reality, and time, Thanos can become more powerful than anything the Avengers have faced so far. He has used Loki and Ronan so far to do his dirty work and try and get him some of the Infinity Stones. He still does not have any in his possession to public knowledge.

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