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Captain America Characters

Steve Rogers (Captain America)
  • Played by Chris Evans

  • Appeared In-

    • Captain America: The First Avenger

    • The Avengers

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier​

Steve Rogers was the first ever super soldier created in the 1940s. After helping defeat the Red Skull, Rogers crashed a plane into the water and was found many years later. Back in the 1940s, Rogers drew close to Peggy Carter, but the age difference caused by the crash is too much for them now. Rogers has trained in many different areas of combat. Combining his fighting skills with his vibranium shield, Rogers is a handful for anyone who goes up against him. Besides the Red Skull, he has helped take down villains such as Alexander Pierce, Loki, the Winter Soldier, and HYDRA. He is a part of the Avengers along with Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. He also considers The Falcon, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and Sharon Carter close friends and allies. He is now trying to find his old friend Bucky Barnes (the Winter Soldier) and take down what remains of HYDRA.

Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)

  • Played by Scarlett Johansson

  • Appeared In-

    • Iron Man 2

    • The Avengers

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Natasha Romanoff is a trained assassin who spent many years working for the "bad guys." With everything she was doing, she quickly was on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar. They sent Hawkeye to kill her, but he made a different call and recruited her to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. She has helped take down villains such as Whiplash, Loki, Alexander Pierce, and HYDRA as a whole. She is part of the Avengers along with Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, and Hawkeye. She also counts Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Falcon, Pepper Potts, Iron Patriot, and Happy Hogan as allies and close friends. With the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., all of Natasha's identities have been compromised and she is now off in hiding.

Nick Fury

  • Played by Samuel L. Jackson

  • Appeared In-

    • Iron Man

    • Iron Man 2

    • Captain America

    • The Avengers

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury is the baddest man on the planet when he chooses to be. He is an ex-military man turned head of S.H.I.E.L.D. He has helped take down villains such as Loki, Alexander Pierce, and the Clairvoyant. He helped form the Avengers team and knows they will always be around to help protect the Earth. His other allies include Maria Hill, Phil Coulson, the Falcon, Erik Selvig, Jane Foster, Melinda May, Skye, Jemma Simmons, Antoine Triplett, and Leo Fitz. With S.H.I.E.L.D. now gone, Fury has set out to destroy the rest of HYDRA and keep up the perception of him being dead. 

Maria Hill

  • Played by Cobie Smulders

  • Appeared In-

    • The Avengers

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Maria Hill was Nick Fury's second in command for quite a while. While she seems reluctant at times to Fury's ways, she understands that Fury knows what is best. Hill has many allies as a result of working for S.H.I.E.L.D. Her allies include Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Pepper Potts, Erik Selvig, Skye, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Antoine Triplett, and Leo Fitz. She currently works for Stark Industries as an assistant to Pepper Potts and Tony Stark.

Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier)

  • Played by Sebastian Stan

  • Appeared In-

    • Captain America

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Bucky was Steve Rogers's best friend back during World War II. He was captured by the Red Skull and experimented on before Rogers rescued him. Unfortunately for Rogers, he didn't do enough and watched as Bucky fell off a cliff into a river. Bucky managed to survive the fall and was experimented on even further by HYDRA. They turned him into The Winter Soldier. Using HYDRA's version of Super Soldier serum and a robotic arm, Bucky was transformed into a deadly weapon. After seemingly defeating Captain America, he rescued him. He is now trying to piece together his scattered memories and remember who he was.

Sam Wilson (Falcon)

  • Played by Anthony Mackie

  • Appeared In-

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Sam Wilson used to be in the military. He specialized in using a new high tech flight suit. Once the program was shut down, he spent his time trying to help other vets. He has helped take down villains like Crossbones and the Winter Soldier. His allies include Captain America, Black Widow, Nick Fury, and Maria Hill. He is currently helping Captain America hunt down the Winter Soldier and take down what remains of HYDRA.

Peggy Carter

  • Played by Hayley Atwell

  • Appeared In

    • Captain America: The First Avenger

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Peggy Carter was in the army when Steve Rogers was recruited. The two quickly formed a bond and deep care for one another. She was one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. along with Howard Stark. She is the aunt of Sharon Carter. Due to her health and age, she is currently on her death bed.

Sharon Carter (Agent 13)

  • Played by Emily VanCamp

  • Appeared In

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Sharon Carter lives across the hall from Steve Rogers. Like her aunt, she has caught the eye of Rogers. She was a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. but since it is now gone, she has joined the C.I.A.

Brock Rumlow (Crossbones)

  • Played by Frank Grillo

  • Appeared In

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Crossbones was a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. but was undercover as a member of HYDRA. He is a skilled fighter and showed that off in his battle with Falcon. The battle left him heavily injured and in the hospital.

Batroc the Leaper

  • Played by Georges St. Pierre

  • Appeared In

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Batroc the Leaper is a skilled fighter. He has trained in all types of fighting. He was working for HYDRA when Captain America defeated him. He was last seen as a prisoner for S.H.I.E.L.D. but it is safe to assume Alexander Pierce let him go.

Johann Schmidt (Red Skull)

  • Played by Hugo Weaving

  • Appeared In

    • Captain America: The First Avenger

Johann Schmidt was given a very early version of the super soldier serum given to Steve Rogers. The serum was not perfected at the point and the side effect of it gave him his nickname, Red Skull. He wanted the Tesseract so he could take over the world, but Captain America stopped him by using the Tessseract against him. Whether he is alive or dead or what part or time in the universe he is remains a mystery, but we can't believe we won't see him again.

Senator Stern

  • Played by Garry Shandling

  • Appeared In

    • Iron Man 2

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Senator Stern is a US Senator who has a strong dislike for Tony Stark. He repeatedly tried to take the Iron Man suit away from Tony Stark but ultimately failed. He was revealed to be a HYDRA supporter and was taken into custody after S.H.I.E.L.D. fell.

Alexander Pierce

  • Played by Robert Redford

  • Appeared In

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

  • Deceased

Alexander Pierce was the Secretary of SHIELD. He helped develop Project Insight to further push HYDRA's plans. He worked with the Winter Soldier to help HYDRA. Pierce died at the hands of Nick Fury after the collapse of SHIELD.

Jasper Sitwell

  • Played by Maximiliano Hernandez

  • Appeared In

    • Avengers

    • Agents of SHIELD

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

  • Deceased

Jasper Sitwell was a SHIELD agent for many years, but was ultimately a HYDRA spy. After spilling all the secrets of HYDRA out to Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon, the Winter Soldier tracked him down and through him out a car to his death.

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