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Agents of SHIELD Characters

Nick Fury

  • Played by Samuel L. Jackson

  • Appeared In-

    • Iron Man

    • Iron Man 2

    • Captain America

    • The Avengers

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 1

Nick Fury is the baddest man on the planet when he chooses to be. He is an ex-military man turned head of SHIELD. He has helped take down villains such as Loki, Alexander Pierce, and the Clairvoyant. He helped form the Avengers team and knows they will always be around to help protect the Earth. His other allies include Maria Hill, Phil Coulson, the Falcon, Erik Selvig, Jane Foster, Melinda May, Skye, Jemma Simmons, Antoine Triplett, and Leo Fitz. With SHIELD now gone, Fury has set out to destroy the rest of HYDRA and keep up the perception of him being dead. 

Phil Coulson

  • Played by Clark Gregg

  • Appeared In-

    • Iron Man

    • Iron Man 2

    • Thor

    • The Avengers

    • Agents of SHIELD Seasons 1 & 2

Phil Coulson has been through it all as a SHIELD agent. So far in fact that he was killed by Loki and then revived using secret project T.A.H.I.T.I. that he helped form. His death was a driving force in getting the Avengers to team up. He has helped take down villains such as the Clairvoyant, Deathlok, Ian Quinn, Grant Ward, and Franklin Hall. He has a relationship with almost every person in Marvel's universe. He is currently the director of SHIELD and recruiting new agents to help rebuild the organization.

Maria Hill

  • Played by Cobie Smulders

  • Appeared In-

    • The Avengers

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 1

Maria Hill was Nick Fury's second in command for quite a while. While she seems reluctant at times to Fury's ways, she understands that Fury knows what is best. Hill has many allies as a result of working for SHIELD. Her allies include Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Pepper Potts, Erik Selvig, Skye, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Antoine Triplett, and Leo Fitz. She currently works for Stark Industries as an assistant to Pepper Potts and Tony Stark.

Lady Sif

  • Played by Jaimie Alexander

  • Appeared In

    • Thor

    • Thor: The Dark World

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 1

Lady Sif is one of the best warriors Asgard has. She fights alongside the Warriors 3 which includes Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral. She has helped take down villains such as Loki and Lorelei. Her allies include Thor, Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral, Odin, Heimdall, Jane Foster, Phil Coulson, Skye, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, and Leo Fitz. 

Daisy Johnson (Quake)

  • Played by Chloe Bennet

  • Appeared In​

    • Agents of SHIELD Seasons 1 & 2


Daisy, formerly known as Skye, is a skilled hacker who used her talents to help the Rising Tide. That got her on SHIELD's radar quickly and was eventually recruited by Phil Coulson to join his team. After being shot by Ian Quinn, she was injected with GH325, a serum created by Kree DNA, healed her. She was exposed to terrigen crystals and was transformed into something "inhuman."

Melinda May

  • Played by Ming-Na Wen

  • Appeared In​

    • Agents of SHIELD Seasons 1 & 2


Melinda May, also known as "The Cavalry", is a member of Phil Coulson's team who is a trained in hand to hand combat. She was one of the few agents Nick Fury trusted and kept what really happened to Coulson from him. She is now watching over Coulson's right hand girl and second in command.

Mike Peterson (Deathlok)

  • Played by J. August Richards

  • Appeared In​

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 1


Mike Peterson's life was turned around the day he saved someone from a burning building. Thanks to Skye capturing his leap out of building on video, Mike was a modern day superhero. After getting caught up in the middle of the Clairvoyant's plan, he is transformed into Deathlok and given tons of high tech enhancements. He ends up turning against the man that created him and now is on his own trying to make amends for what he has done.

Jemma Simmons

  • Played by Elizabeth Henstridge

  • Appeared In​

    • Agents of SHIELD Seasons 1 & 2


Jemma was recruited to Coulson's private team because of her knowledge as a scientist and doctor. She helped nurse Skye back to health and along with Fitz were the teams brains. After saving Fitz's life, she infiltrated HYDRA but has now returned to Coulson's team.

Antoine Triplett

  • Played by B.J. Britt

  • Appeared In​

    • Agents of SHIELD Seasons 1 & 2

  • Deceased


Triplett got off to rocky start with the team but quickly earned their trust and helped them take down his mentor who just so happened to be the Clairvoyant. He has family ties to the Howling Commandos and is a very skilled fighter. When he tried to rescue Daisy from the a hidden temple, he was exposed to terrigen crystals. He was not compatible with the crystals and was killed as a result.

Leo Fitz

  • Played by Ian De Caestecker

  • Appeared In​

    • Agents of SHIELD Seasons 1 & 2


Fitz was brought on to Coulson's team because of vast knowledge for science and technology. He invented many different devices that the team used to help take down their enemies. Unfortunately, him and Simmons were dropped into the bottom of the ocean and when they tried to escape, he became unconscious. Due to his brain being without oxygen for a long period of time, Fitz is struggling with his memory. 

Ian Quinn

  • Played by David Conrad

  • Appeared In​

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 1


Quinn is a multi millionaire who is driven to be one of the most powerful and influential people in the world. He was working for the Clairvoyant and helped bring about many of the challenges Coulson's team faced. He helped create Graviton, Blizzard, and Deathlok.

Grant Ward

  • Played by Brent Dalton

  • Appeared In​

    • Agents of SHIELD Seasons 1 & 2


Ward had a troubled childhood and wound up getting involved with the Clairvoyant at a young age. He posed as a SHIELD agent where he was trained to be a specialist and have the ability to do jobs on his own. When HYDRA took over, he turned on his team. He was taken down my Agent May. He is responsible for the deaths of Victoria Hand. After teaming up with Dr. Whitehall and Calvin Zabo, he was shot by Daisy. Agent 33 helped the injured Ward escape.


  • Played by Ruth Negga

  • Appeared In​

    • Agents of SHIELD Seasons 1 & 2


Raina is known as the girl in the flower dress. She has a mysterios past that gives everyone lots of questions about who/what she might be. She worked for the Clairvoyant, doing whatever he asked. After being captured by Ward, she took the Diviner into the temple to find out what she will become. 


  • Played by Elena Satine

  • Appeared In​

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 1


Lorelei is an Asgardian who has the power to control men. With the sound of her voice or her touch, men will find her irresistable and follow her every command. Lady Sif came down to Earth to capture her and has taken her back to Asgard per Odin's (Loki's?) request.

Glenn Talbot

  • Played by Adrian Pasdar

  • Appeared In​

    • Agents of SHIELD Seasons 1 & 2


Glenn Talbot is a colonel in the army. He tried to bring in Coulson and his team for question following the collapse of SHIELD. Coulson and his team managed to escape from him at the time but he continues to hunt them down. He has a wearhouse of old SHIELD crates and also the powerful Carl Creel in his possession.

Franklin Hall (Graviton)

  • Played by Ian Hart

  • Appeared In​

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 1


Franklin Hall is a scientist who was fascinated with gravitonium. He became an expert on the substance and thanks to Ian Quinn, got his hands on a large quantity of it. He fell into the gravitonium which absorbed him. No one knows that he is alive in the gravitonium which puts him in Ian Quinn's possession.

Donnie Gill (Blizzard)

  • Played by Dylan Minnette

  • Appeared In​

    • Agents of SHIELD Seasons 1 & 2

  • Deceased


Donnie Gill was a student at SHIELD Academy. Hard pressed to make friends, Gill took the opportunity to join forces with Seth Dormer and help build a weapon for Ian Quinn. The machine was made to generate storms. When at the epicenter of the test run, lighting came down and struck the machine, killing Dormer. It did not kill Gill, instead giving him the power to turn anything he touches into ice. He was recruited by HYDRA but the trip ended in death for Gill.

Audrey Nathan

  • Played by Amy Acker

  • Appeared In​

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 1


Audrey Nathan, otherwise known as "The Cellist", is Coulson's former love interest. She was teased in The Avengers in a conversation between Pepper Potts and Coulson. After Coulson was stabbed by Loki, she was informed of his passing. Even though Coulson saved her life in episode 19 of season 1, she still does not know that he is alive.

Jasper Sitwell

  • Played by Maximiliano Hernandez

  • Appeared In

    • Avengers

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 1

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

  • Deceased

Jasper Sitwell was a SHIELD agent for many years, but was ultimately a HYDRA spy. After spilling all the secrets of HYDRA out to Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon, the Winter Soldier tracked him down and through him out a car to his death.

Victoria Hand

  • Played by Saffron Burrows

  • Appeared In

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 1

  • Deceased

Victoria Hand was one of the highest level SHIELD agents before the organization fell. After Coulson defeated the Clairvoyant, her and Grant Ward set out to put him away in a secret base. She did not know that Ward was also compromised and when she asked him to kill the Clairvoyant, he turned the gun on her instead.

John Garrett (The Clairvoyant)

  • Played by Bill Paxton

  • Appeared In

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 1

  • Deceased

John Garrett was one of Coulson's oldest friends. He broke Grant Ward out of juvy and trained him to be HYDRA undercover agent for SHIELD. He was the mastermind behind every enemy and problem Coulson's team faced in season 1. After being seemingly defeated, he equipped himself with some Deathlok technology. Coulson came back before Garrett was at full strength and killed him for good.

Bobbi Morse (Mockingbird)

  • Played by Adrianne Palicki

  • Appeared In

Bobbi Morse was a SHIELD secret agent posing as the head of security for HYDRA. She helped rescue Simmons from HYDRA and has now joined Coulson's team. She is the ex-wife of Lance Hunter, also a member of the team.

Isabelle Hartley

  • Played by Lucy Lawless

  • Appeared In

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 2

  • Deceased

Isabelle Hartley is a long time S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. She is feared by many and always has a knife by her side. She had the trust of Coulson but was killed in a car crash caused by the Absorbing Man.

Daniel Whitehall (Kraken)

  • Played by Reed Diamond

  • Appeared In

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 2

  • Deceased

Daniel Whitehall is a legendary HYDRA agent. He has not aged since at least the 1940s. He wanted the Diviner after tracking it down previously in the 40s. He is responsible for killing Skye's mom and teamed up with Ward and Calvin Zabo to understand the Diviner. While trying to enter an ancient temple, he was shot and killed by Coulson.

Lance Hunter

  • Played by Nick Blood

  • Appeared In

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 2

Lance Hunter is a mercanary and long time parter of Isabelle Hartley. He has now joined SHIELD as he tries to avenge the death of his close friends, Hartley and Idaho. He is the ex-husband of Bobbi Morse.

Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie

  • Played by Henry Simmons

  • Appeared In

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 2

"Mack" is a mechanic who has joined SHIELD after Coulson recruited him. He has worked on mechanical issues on The Bus and has become a close friend to Fitz in helping him overcome his troubles.

Calvin Zabo (Mister Hyde)

  • Played by Kyle MacLachlan

  • Appeared In

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 1 & 2

We got our first glimpse of Skye's father at the end of season 1. He teamed up with Whitehall and Ward to find his long lost daughter Daisy. 

Carl Creel (Absorbing Man)

  • Played by Brian Patrick Wade

  • Appeared In

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 2

Carl Creel has the ability to absorb any substance he touches. He has been working for HYDRA and Dr. Whitehall but has gotten himself into trouble. He is currently a captive of General Talbot after turning to stone thanks to the Diviner


  • Played by Simon Kassianides

  • Appeared In

    • Agents of SHIELD Season 2

Bakshi is the the right hand man of Daniel Whitehall. He is not afraid to get his hands dirty and do whatever it takes to help HYDRA. He was turned over to Coulson courtesy of Grant Ward. Bakshi ended up using a cyanide filling to put himself in critical care.

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